Will your restaurant be featured on 'Real Actors Read Read Yelp™?'

September 9, 2012

The power of word of mouth and customer referrals is extremely important in the restaurant industry. This "power" from the customer has become increasingly stronger with presence and popularity of online review outlets such as Yelp! Not too long ago, we wrote about how you can take advantage of finding areas of improvements by reading the online reviews of your restaurant. We hope your reviews are mostly glowing because they might end up being featured as a video online for the whole world to see.Gotta Kid to Feed Productions has created a series of videos entitled, "Real Actors Read Read Yelp™" where real actors are filmed reading selected real Yelp reviews. The result is a hilarious real account read by incredible actors in a comical and often melodramatic, satirical fashion.

If you go on to watch even more of these videos (7 episodes so far), you'll notice as funny as they are, the reviewers almost always mention the service, not just the taste of the food. Whether or not a waiter smiled at them or a manager acknowledge a guest's praise -- how you treat the customer could be all that it takes to have them return and tell their friends to try out your restaurant, or the exact opposite! It's all about guest service.Watch these videos, get a good laugh and then go read your own reviews- you might learn a thing or two!

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