Urban Farming Soars Across North America

July 8, 2014

Urban farming is reaching new heights across North America, but these days, some folks are getting more creative. Lufa, a new rooftop greenhouse in Montreal, has over 31,000 acres of farm area and can provide enough veggies for over 9,000 people that work, shop, and live below. Why on a roof? According to Lufa's website, having a greenhouse on the roof of a building means people have easier access to fresh foods and it's simply a smarter use of space, given the scarcity of land.Their farm is expected to produce more than 40 tons of fresh produce each year and its produce is sold to local consumers and restaurants. Rooftop farming makes sense in urban environments because it frees up valuable street space and makes produce truly local, as opposed to from a farm a few hours outside the city. Lufa hopes to expand to Boston sometime next year. Read more here on Modern Farmers. Also, check out their Tedx Talks presentation below:

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