Technology at the Table

September 26, 2013

If you’ve dined at Chili’s Grill and Bar lately, you may have noticed a high-tech addition to the table. The restaurant chain spent the last six months testing tablets that guests can use to order food, play games during the meal, or pay their check. Chili’s has experienced great success and the company plans to install the tablets throughout the majority of their restaurants by the middle of 2014.The devices have led to a huge increase in check amount and consumer satisfaction. The tablets are available right when the guest sits down and allows a starving patron to immediately think about their meal decisions without having to wait for wait staff to make it to the table with a menu. Additionally, photos of delicious-looking desserts scroll across the screen during the meal and encourage guests to consider a sweet ending to their meal. Parents can also pay for games and entertainment to keep children busy while they enjoy their food. These tablets also make life easier for wait staff by allowing the guest to pay whenever they finish and, in turn, turning the tables over quicker and increasing traffic in the restaurant. Additionally, the machines suggest a 20% tip, which has led to an increase in the average tip amount.We love this use of technology to improve the guest’s experience at the table. It will be interesting to see which other chains follow Chili’s lead and implement similar devices.More on this topic:

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