Is your Restaurant Ready for a Rebrand?

September 21, 2017

You may have heard the term, “rebranding” used a lot in business, but the motives behind rebranding are not simple or straightforward. So what exactly is rebranding and why would anyone want to do it, especially after implementing a carefully thought-out business plan in the first place?A company (or in our industry, a restaurant), may decide to rebrand itself to develop a new way customers perceive the restaurant. Think of it as a marketing strategy, or a makeover, to revitalize a brand and give it a new image. This “image” can take form as a redesigned logo, interior and exterior design changes, changed menu, a new philosophy or slogan.There are plenty of reasons a business would look to rebrand. Rebranding can come to light if a company is seeking to offer new items or services, appeal to a new audience, align their brand to the company’s original vision, combat an outdated image, reestablish relevancy, or even as a way to fight negative publicity.Here’s a look at some recent restaurant rebranding examples—take note of changes when you visit these establishments. Do you think they’ve changed your perception?

  • Tender Greens: This is a brand is known for wholesome and healthy meals. See them now with a new logo that aims to show people that they’re not just a salad restaurant.
  • Subway: A major redesign is taking place at Subway restaurants. Simplicity, freshness and modernity is what you’ll notice when stepping into a newly redesigned Subway. Sleek furniture and brighter colors hope to be more inviting to customers. Tech is getting a huge upgrade here too—Subways are rolling out self-ordering kiosks and charging stations for the technically-inclined patrons.
  • Golden Corral: The buffet segment is certainly struggling in family casual restaurant sector. Golden Corral’s new redesign aims to boost customer patronage by presenting an, open, airy, sophisticated and homey feel.

It will be interesting to see how these rebranding efforts pan out. If you feel your restaurant needs a revival, please contact Synergy.

Photo: Mike Mozart CC by 2.0

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