Are digital menu displays suitable for your restaurant?

August 8, 2012

Technology has always played a pivotal role in business, including restaurants. These days, it's not unheard of to order your favorite meal from an iPad or wait for your pager to buzz when your table is ready. Now if you're seeking an efficient way to display your menu, you might want to look into digital menus displays.Depending on your restaurant type, digital menus may or may not be a good fit. Let's take a look into the pros and cons of the digital menu to help you make a better-informed decision.

Digital Menus: Should I invest in one for my restaurant?


  • Easy to read for your guests
  • Capacity to display more menu items
  • Display clear, enticing, digital photos of your food offerings
  • Change daily specials or prices with ease
  • Display more than just men items: website, social media sites, nutritional content, video etc.
digital menus


  • There may be too much content displayed which could cause information overload for your guests
  • May give off too much of a "modern" feel depending on your restaurant's theme (e.g. digital menus may not work well with rustic Old Italy interior design)
  • Initial start up cost may be outside of your budget

Do you have questions regarding digital menu displays? Do you want to make sure you make the best and most cost efficient choice in how you choose to display your menu? Contact Synergy Restaurant Consultants to for an initial consultation.

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